X Flex

Xanthi pilot completed most of the equipment field installation

In this period, HEDNO has completed most of the equipment field installation activities in Xanthi pilot site (Greece) to reach “Green flexibility for network resilience”. That equipment includes ethernet and Wi-Fi SLAM meter installation procedure in HEDNO’s premises, as well as in residential customers has been finalized, whereas 3G SLAMs installation has already been initiated.

Regarding the controllable air-air heat pump activity progress, the installation of a relevant unit in the Xanthi Magiko HV/MV substation has been successfully completed. In addition, three metering devices have also been successfully installed at 3 additional MV/LV substations of Xanthi pilot lines.

Moreover, HEDNO has completed the update of the pilot lines’ topology, due to a significant increase in RES penetration since the beginning of the project, involving two of the three pilot lines. Finally, some bilateral communication took place in September, related to the user interface finalization of the end-user fraud detection tool, developed by the University of Ljubljana.

The equipment will facilitate the optimal operation of Power2Gas and storage devices at the microgrid, to contribute to the increased resilience of the system under extreme weather events, achieve power loss reduction, and increase voltage stability through RES scheduling and smart grid automation devices deployment in the field.

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