The main functionalities of GRIDFLEX, the tool for DSOs and microgrid operators, have been developed, lab-tested, and integrated with real data coming from the 4 pilots in the project. These functionalities include: Network Topology Modelling, Demand and Production Forecasting, State Estimation, Power Flow Calculation, Congestion Detection and Forecasting, Fraud Detection Analysis, Grid Planning, and Scheduling, and Resilience in Extreme Weather Conditions.
The current efforts are focused on the integration of the communication among the modules created by the different partners involved in the development of the tool (ETRA, ICCS, and UL). Moreover, the communication with MARKETFLEX—both for notification of grid conditions to the Market and request of Ancillary Services to mitigate problems in the network—has been defined together with UL and SUITE5 and will be implemented and tested in the next months. The completion of these integration tasks will enable the start of the evaluation of the tool by technical partners and pilots, including the calculation of Key Performance Indicators to assess the validity of the Requirements and Use Cases associated with the tool.