X Flex

Horizon 2020

Albena AD and ESO EAD performing tests in the Bulgarian pilot

During the past few months, X-FLEX partners Albena AD and ESO EAD have been busy performing the manual frequency restoration reserve (mFRR) tests and experiments which are to be demonstrated as part of the X-FLEX Bulgarian pilot. The COVID-19 pandemic situation in the country of Bulgaria is presenting many challenges, however, it did not stop

Albena AD and ESO EAD performing tests in the Bulgarian pilot Read More »

Working on the BRIDGE Use Case Repository Tool

X-FLEX partners, under ETRA’s coordination,  has been working in the development of the first version of a “Use Case Repository Tool” in the context of the European Commission BRIDGE initiative. This tool has been created as part of the Data Management Working Group of the BRIDGE initiative, and specifically in the Action 1 “Use case

Working on the BRIDGE Use Case Repository Tool Read More »