From the beginning of December, the pilot site Ravne na Koroškemi (Slovenia), led by Petrol d.d. partner, has installed a 6 MW electrode boiler. The electrode boiler was successfully installed and connected to the district heating system. Now follows the testing phase of all operating parameters and modes.
This is a decisive step towards the final goal of providing flexibility and ancillary services for the TSO and to optimize the combined operation of CHP units and the electrode boiler (RES Power2Heat).
In November, Luče (Slovenia) energy community won the Energy Efficient Project recognition of the “Energy Awards 2020” organised by Slovenian newspaper Finance.
Xanthi (Greece) pilot site suffers from Extreme Weather Events (EWEs) such as high winds that affect the operation of the distribution grid. ICCS is working along with HEDNO on the definition of scenarios to evaluate Xanthi’s distribution network resilience towards extreme EWEs.
During the past few months, Albena (Bulgaria) pilot site together with ESO EAD partner have been busy performing the manual frequency restoration reserve (mFRR) tests and experiments which are to be demonstrated as part of the X-FLEX Bulgarian pilot.