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On the Good Track

The solutions offered by X-FLEX are being developed and they are on the good track. Find out its status!
GRIDFLEX is the advanced tool for automatic control and observability for grid and microgrid operators. The objective is to use the flexibility of the different assets both on the generation side and on the demand side, in order to prevent congestion (voltage and current issues) and power quality problems with an increasing share of intermittent Renewable Energy Sources (RES), giving special attention to the potential grid problems due extreme climate events.
The first version of the GRIDFLEX tool has been already completed and is being tested. The functionalities included in this version are: State Estimation tool, Congestion Detection, Demand and Production forecast, Congestion forecast, Automatic user notification,
Fraud detection, Enhance system’s resilience in extreme weather conditions, Topology manager and Grid planning and scheduling.
The consortium is already working on the second version of the tool that will include not only an improved version of the functionalities mentioned before but also other new functionalities, such as Demand Side Management.
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SERVIFLEX tool is the integrated flexibility management tool for flexibility managers to take advantage of the value of energy storage along with other demand flexibility resources towards the establishment of a holistic framework for flexibility extraction, profiling, forecasting, classification, clustering, and management to serve the different market and grid needs. The latest developments include:
  • The alpha version of the flexibility forecasting engine addressing different asset types, namely generation assets, and batteries, Virtual Thermal Energy Storage entities, Power-to-Gas (P2G) technologies, etc.
  • The alpha version of the segmentation and classification engine towards clustering of flexibility sources based on their location, response time, flexibility capacity, and suitability to offer different types of services.
  • The alpha version of the dynamic VPP creation tool for the deployment of distribution grid optimization strategies.
SERVIFLEX platform provides a state-of-the-art data-driven flexibility profiling framework which is further complemented by an innovative analytics layer to provide added value services for flexibility managers.
The goal of the MARKETFLEX tool is to enable greater utilisation of grid capacities. MARKETFLEX combines trading platform intended for flexibility providers (such as aggregators) and Distribution System Operators with new market mechanisms. One of the main innovations of MARKETFLEX is the development of a market-based mechanism for managing the distribution of grid capacities, bringing benefits to all actors, DSOs by reducing grid reinforcements and operating costs and eventually end-users by improving the quality of supply and bringing financial benefits.
In the past months, the specifications of the MARKETFLEX tool were designed and the market segments it covers were defined. Before testing the tool in the X-FLEX pilot sites the USEF Flexibility Trading Protocol will be extended to cover all the defined use cases.

X-FLEX platform provides a high-performance and reliable middleware that integrates and serves as the service bus for all the sub-systems, services, and actors of the X-FLEX project (e.g., field assets, X-FLEX tools, and horizontal modules). It provides services for all energy actors by enabling interoperability and facilitating data exchanges ensuring in that way a more secure, stable, and clean energy supply. During the previous months, the high-level architecture of the platform was defined. The data exchanges that will be served through the X-FLEX platform were also identified along with their corresponding communication protocols and data models. Several X-FLEX platform services such as application connectors, data storage components, and general-purpose modules have already been implemented in the X-FLEX platform and their functionality is expected to be tested in the upcoming months.

L a t e s t · N e w s

How to Boost Energy Efficiency in a Vacation Resort?

Tourism is a very important generator of income and employment for European countries, despite the high energy consumption of the resorts and vacation houses due to their special infrastructure (swimming pools, SPA centers, etc.). How to impulse the energy efficiency in this sector then?
This is exactly what our partner of Albena resort asked when planning to participate in the European Sustainable Energy Week 2021 (EUSEW). Thus, our team decide to join forces with other experts who asked themselves the same question. ebalance-plus Horizon 2020 project was our “partner in crime” to find some light here.
Under the framework of the EUSEW 2021, X-FLEX and Ebalance plus co-organised the Energy Talk “ENERGETIC HOLIDAYS: How to not only reload your guests´ batteries, but also boost energy efficiency in your vacation resort”. The talk showed how two holiday resorts (Albena in Bulgaria and Novasol in Denmark) use their special conditions to provide energy flexibility from their local networks to the distribution grid, while increasing their reliability and efficiency.
Albena partner explained the flexibility assets in this pilot site and how can a vacation resort provide ancillary services to Transmission System Operator (TSO).
These resorts are pilot sites in these two H2020 projects which are working on innovative ICT solutions and market mechanisms to use this flexibility to create a more stable, secure, and sustainable smart grid.
Besides, X-FLEX participated in the virtual exhibition of the EUSEW Networking Village, from 25 to 29 October 2021.

Watch the video here.

Let’s talk about the EU Renewable Energy Directive revision

This year in July, the European Commission published a proposal to revise the Renewable Energy Directive. As part of the package “Delivering on the European Green Deal”, the Commission is seeking to accelerate the take-up of renewables in the EU to make a decisive contribution to its ambition of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 – and ultimately becoming climate neutral by 2050. Building on the Directive 2018/2001/EU, the new proposal increases the current EU-level target of ‘at least 32%’ of renewable energy sources in the overall energy mix to at least 40% by 2030, which represents double the current renewables share of 19.7% in just a decade.
X-FLEX project results support the EU's key 2030 target to improve the carbon footprint of the European electricity system and achieve energy and climate change policy goals. Project actions are aligned with the Renewable Energy Directive by cutting greenhouse gas emissions as well as increasing renewable energy capacity into the European electricity grid to achieve a new proposed target for the 2030 year determined by EC in July this year. In addition, X-FLEX supports a roadmap towards low-emission mobility and provides an innovative approach to electrification, and adds flexibility for the energy system in the focus of the revised Directive with its use of novel market mechanisms and uptake of renewables, storage, and electromobility into the grid.
X-FLEX solutions contribute to achieving these new proposed targets by 28% increase of renewable energy into the distribution grid of the four project pilot sites by the end of the project in 2023, with a projected increase of 50% five years after the commercialisation of the products. X-FLEX foresees increasing the RES capacity by 3,578 MW in the three pilot countries over the next five years of the project. According to an increased RES capacity of 3,578 MW, it is estimated that X-FLEX will enable the reduction of 2533 Tn CO2/MWh emissions.
X-FLEX predicts to increase the RES production in the three pilot countries by 6,992 GWh over the next five years of the project. This increase in the RES production will entail a reduction of 5 MTn CO2eq of CO2 emissions in the pilot countries after the commercialisation of the X-FLEX solution.

Home EV Charging Infrastructure in Luče (Slovenia)

Luce EVs
Could you imagine yourself driving an electric vehicle (EV) and charging it in a remote village in the middle of the mountains?
In a village of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps (Slovenia) it is about to happen! Luče is.

In September our pilot site of Luče -a newly established self-supply energy community- presented in an open-door event its main works, assets installed, and benefits, with a special focus on the home electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.
The event was the perfect occasion to kick-start the testing of the flexibility services of this infrastructure by lending members of EnC a fleet of e-vehicles, that will be used to test real-life use cases, models, and algorithms for the SERVIFLEX, GRIDFLEX, and MARKETFLEX tools.
Keep reading here.

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C o m i n g · E v e n t s

EU Projects Zone of Enlit

X-FLEX project will host a booth at the EU Projects Zone of ENLIT 2021 between 30 November - 2 December in Milan (Italy).
Additionally, it will participate in different BRIDGE sessions.
Participants could find X-FLEX at booth 12.EU27 during the three-day event.
More details here.


Workshop in Xanthi pilot

The X-FLEX project organises the online and free of charge workshop “X-FLEX solutions in Xanthi (Greece)” on 16th December 2021. The event aims at showcasing this Horizon 2020 project in Greece by presenting the involvement of the Xanthi pilot site, the developments, and actions that are taking place there, future activities, as well as the outcomes and impact expected. All the details and registration here.
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N e x t · s t e p s

  • During the next months, the partners will test the different functionalities of the first version of the four main products of X-FLEX
  • Based on the results of the test, the product leaders will work on the second version of the tool. They will include an improved version of these functionalities, but also new functionalities.
  • These final versions of the tools will be deployed and implemented in the project pilot sites, in order to perform the large-scale demonstration.
  • In parallel, data coming from different end-users will be collected in order to be assessed as part of the impact evaluation of the project.

P i l o t · s i t e s

Ravne Na Koroškem (Slovenia)

Ravne na Koroškem is a small remote town (population 7,268) with poor transport connection in the north-east part of Slovenia, known for its steel industry. The town is divided into residential, where ELCE is the Distribution system operators (DSO), and industrial area, where PETROL has a role of the Distribution System Operators (DSO).
PETROL also owns and operates electricity and heat production, operates district heating and sanitary hot water distribution for the town Ravne na Koroškem.
The areas are linked with 2x20kV between each other (DSO-DSO) and both have a direct connection to the TSO 110kV level (DSO-TSO).

They also share the same district heating and hot sanitary water system. The medium voltage grid consists of 32 20/0.4 kV substations and one 110/20/5 kV substation, with approximately 10 km of 20 kV cable and 2 km of 5 kV cable.

How will X-FLEX project help Ravne Na Koroškem?
X-FLEX project will provide flexibility on the electricity grid of Ravne na Koroškem by using synergies with the heat production (RES Power2Heat) and heat network operation to lower the imbalances in the network, to improve the reliability of electricity and heat supply, and to demonstrate cooperation among key actors (DSO-DSO, DSO-TSO).
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