The next BRIDGE General Assembly presenting the latest developments of the initiative will take place Online on March 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2022. High-level representatives from the Directorate-General for Energy will share the last policy updates.
X-FLEX representatives will participate in different working group sessions such as:
- Plenary 1.1: Presentation of 2021 actions by Working Groups
- Focus Topic – Digitalisation
- Parallel Session 4 – Data Management WG 2/2
Check out the agenda.
Contributions to BRIDGE
X-FLEX partners participate actively in several activities in different Working Groups (WG) and Task Force (TF) of BRIDGE, concretly:
- WG: Data Management
- WG: Regulation
- TF: Energy Communities & Self-Consumption
- TF: Replicability & Scalability
The deliverable D2.3 explains in detail all information concerning X-FLEX’s members, activities, and contributions within BRIDGE.