Albena (Bulgaria)
Flexibility on a commercial site and micro grid/TSO cooperation
Albena, Bulgaria, is an area on the Black Sea coast, which consists entirely of hotel resorts whose main purpose is to provide hospitality services to guests. Its most active season is during the summer when it can accommodate up to 20,000 people. On site, there are 43 hotels, 25 restaurants, bars, swimming pools, an aqua park, and many more. Altogether, along with the electrical and water grids, communications and street infrastructure, are owned by Albena AD,.
- 27kWp PV panel
- Multiple controllable loads converted legacy boilers system stations
- 200kWh Battery
- 1 MW Biogas power plant
In Albena, XFLEX solutions will increase the reliability of energy monitoring and grid resilience and create flexibility market mechanisms with the provision of a model for financial incentives as a motivation for future flexibility efforts and collaborations. Being a predominantly summer resort, Albena is subject to a fluctuating energy demand throughout the year. X-FLEX solutions are further expected to utilise this seasonal difference and improve energy consumption and efficiency.